Three-month reflection

I just made it through my first week back to work and wanted to spend a few moments reflecting back on the last three and a half months. So with apologies to the 18F project reflection template…

Goals for the last three months #

Progress we’ve made towards our goals, and what’s contributed to that progress [in the last 3 months] #

The biggest challenges I faced [in the last 3 months/since our last reflection]: #

Things we wish we’d had or known earlier / Things I miss from the before times: #

What we’d do differently if we could go back in time to the start of this project knowing what we know now #

The most useful lessons or resources [from the last 3 months/since our last reflection] we’d like to share more broadly: #


Now read this

The long tail of recovery

Seven months since surgery! While the initial recovery from bottom surgery usually take about three months, full recovery takes much longer—often 12 to 18 months (with full nerve healing and sensation sometimes taking even longer). And... Continue →